On your Github profile

Fork repo.

Go to DODa's GitHub repository and fork it by clicking the button "fork":

Clone this fork

- Go to your profile, select the repo you've just forked.
- Download this fork (not DODa's repo!) on your local computer using:
* the terminal:
#git clone https://github.com/darija-open-dataset/dataset.git
* or directly through your favorite IDE.


Edit files

Add your cotribution by editing your copy of the fork locally. Don't change file names and directories.

Upload changes to fork

Update your GitHub fork with the modifications you've made locally:
#git add
#git commit -m "desctiption"
#git push
Your GitHub fork now contains all the changes you've made locally

Note: You can use a Git GUI client, your favorite text editor, or change files directly in GitHub (😡) if you are not comfortable using the terminal.

On DODa's GitHub profile

Make pull request

Go back to DODa's GitHub repository (not yours!) and click on "Pull requests" then "New Pull Request".

Select your fork

- Click on "compare across forks"
- Select your fork from the second dropdown menu
- Verify that all changes showed in this page are only the ones you've made, then click on "Create pull request"
- Describe the changes you've made

Request Merged

After your content is reviewed and accepted, it will be merged to the main repository, and your pull request will be closed.
If you're not familiar with Git, you can simply remove your fork. And later on, you can repeat the steps above to cotribute again.